Kim Harris

- Show(s) Stories of Change (Mondays 10am-1pm)
- What's your show(s) about Stories of Change. Feeling good for real! I share tips and music to help you feel good.
- How long involved in Yarra Valley FM since 2018
- Favourite spot in the Yarra Valley The Yarra Valley FM Studio
- Favourite artist Impossible choice
- Favourite track Newest favourite; We Are On Time - Nahko & Medicine For The People
- Favourite album Even more impossible choice
- First record bought Huge Hits '84 (compilation album) - I was nine!
- First concert Roxette
- Best bit of advice you ever heard "This too shall pass" - things that are worrying me today will pass and will most likely be meaningless tomorrow
- What do you do for a day job I have my own business - Conscious Thinking Company
- Any hobbies, interests or sports Sport - freeform martial arts, Interests - human behavioural science; Hobbies - film making & the arts (generally - including music, which I can't live without)
- Something weird, odd, interesting, unusual, impressive, that we might not know about you I'm almost black belt in my martial art form. I have appeared in numerous TV shows as an extra. I think it's pretty impressive that I'm raising eight kids as a single mum, who I love to pieces and most days (even though it's so demanding at times) I can still manage to smile, feel grateful and optimistic about what's possible.