Show(s) Have A Little Faith (Sun 8-10pm), Basement Blues (Alternate Mon 7-9pm), Beat It! (Mon 10pm-12am), Oz Indie Show (Wed 3-5pm)
What's your show(s) about Music, mayhem & community engagement
Any nicknames you would like to share Cracker
How long involved in Yarra Valley FM Since 2006
Favourite spot in the Yarra Valley Badger Creek
Favourite artist Bob Dylan
Favourite track Everything Is Broken - Bob Dylan
Favourite album Station to Station - David Bowie
First concert Bob Dylan at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl
Best bit of advice you ever heard Be kind to everyone
What do you do for a day job Photography, radio, mentoring
Any hobbies, interests or sports Photography
Something weird, odd, interesting, unusual, impressive, that we might not know about you I'm allergic to committees, yet I keep getting elected onto them, so I'm constantly feeling itchy.